Good morning! At least it is good, because I am alive and up. I am praying you are all well and ready for Christmas!!! We are getting close. It will be here before we know it, then be gone again in a flash. Have you ever realized how hyped we get and work so hard getting just the right present for everyone, and then Christmas comes and is gone so fast? I have. It just doesn't seem right. LOL I have always loved the Christmas season; lights, decorations, laughter, family time. But I love especially the reason for the season; my Lord and Savior. It is His birthday, and we should remember that. Our commercialism of Christmas has gone way overboard. They put out Christmas decorations earlier and earlier every year. One season runs into another so fast it makes my head spin. I wish you all the merriest of Christmases. Please spend time with family and enjoy the time you spend. Love your family. Before you know it someone will be gone.
Our son and daughter at his wedding this past spring. |
Our awesome grandson |
Since our children grew up, Christmas has never been the same. Then we were blessed with a grandson. Christmas was magical again. The main problem with it now is that he and his mama and daddy live 500 miles away from us. :-( It hurts his Papa and Mimi's feelings that we don't get to be with him any more than we do, but we understand why they had to move. Jobs are extremely important, you know. :-D
We love our children and their spouses and our grandson very much. God has richly blessed DH and me with them.
My December goals are to continue working on the crazy quilt I'm making for a sweet lady in Virginia. Now she has hired me to make two crazy embellished sofa pillows for her. Did I say that I've never done this type of craft before? Well, I haven't, but I have been buying some fabric pieces to make them out of and some wonderful things to with which to embellish them. I have also been blessed with friends who have given/donated lace, buttons and other doo dads to use. I am excited about trying this! I sure pray they turn out pretty.
I have finished a couple extra gifts, and still want to make a couple of things for Jackson. I turned in the black and white rag quilt to the person who will be donating them to the Ogden House in Guntersville, AL. I sure hope some teen enjoys it.
Well, I need your prayers. Some how I hurt my back last night changing clothes out of the washer to the dryer. I hurt all night and am hurting really bad right now. I know there isn't anything the doctor can do, so I guess I will take pain medicine and try to deal with it. Please say a prayer for me.
We also have some friends from church we attended in Dothan, whose baby was born with her intestines up in her lung cavity through a hole in her diaphragm. She has been in Children's Hospital in Birmingham ever since she was born a few weeks ago. She has been on a heart/lung machine, and has a lot of other issues. The doctor's told them on Tuesday to prepare to take her off the machine, that she has been on there longer than is safe. Please pray for a miracle to take place in this baby's life. If not, comfort for the family. Thank you in advance.
Have a blessed remainder of the week and weekend.