Hello! How are each of you doing? We are well and enjoying visiting with the people you see above. The lady you see is our beautiful daughter, Jennifer. The man you see in the picture on the right is our handsome son, Joe on his wedding day in March. The little guy is our only grandchild, Jackson, who belongs to Jennifer and her DH. Jennifer and Jackson are up here for this week waiting on her best friend and his best friend to arrive from Wisconsin. These friends moved from Florida to Wisconsin in October and they have not seen each other since then. They arranged to meet here in Alabama where the DD and GS can stay with us while the friends stay close by. That way, too, the kids don't have to play in a motel room, but can play here in our yard, or in the house. They are very excited to see them. Our son was off from work today, so traveled from his home about fifty miles away to visit with them. We all really enjoyed the time we spent together and the lunch we ate at home. It was so good to have both our children with us at one time. This does not happen very often any more. It will be a great memory.
Jackson is presently playing in the floor with his huge Lego blocks he has here while Cars, the movie, plays in the background. He stops ever so often to watch it. LOL DD is in the kitchen making us a new dish called Asian Meatballs with some kind of fried brown rice. Can't wait to try them! Not too crazy about how the sauce tasted, but hopefully it will all work together well. Love it when someone else cooks. :-0
DD also cut our lawn which is about a 3-4 hour job. We've fed the goats, helped Joe load up some of his stuff to take back home. He also got one of our desk chairs we did use in the kitchen as our kitchen chairs, but with our newer table and chairs, it was in the storage building. His wife needs it to do her school work on the computer. She is in her final year of pharmacy school. You know how newlyweds are, they build up from what they have when they get married and what they can accumulate from parents. He really seem so much happier now that they are together after dating long distance for eight years.
I haven't gotten any sewing done the past couple of weeks. We cleaned house, ran errands, etc. to get ready for this week. My sewing room is in an awful mess. I have Christmas strips and fabric strewn all over it trying to get organized for a Christmas quilt. On one of my favorite Facebook pages, Quilts and Things, we started a quilt block lotto. The first block we are to do is a log cabin block in fall colors. Oranges and yellows on the light side and greens and browns on the dark side with red in the center. I have never made a log cabin block, but have always wanted to. Man, did I get hooked! I am ready to make a Christmas log cabin quilt, a scrappy log cabin quilt, a purple log cabin quilt, a fall log cabin quilt, etc. Can you tell I got addicted to making one! It was so easy and fast. I made both blocks in about thirty minutes, if that long. The longest time I spent was picking out my strips. They turned out so pretty! Let me post them for you to see.

Well, dinner is done, so I am going to try out this new recipe! Have a blessed night.