I have several prayer requests this morning. Another friend of mine on Facebook has a granddaughter with a tumor on her leg. They are not sure, yet, whether is is cancer or not, but please pray that God heals her of this! She is only ten years old. I know a God who can take care of this problem without her having any surgery whatsoever! Also, a couple of the ladies' husbands are having health problems either with Alzheimer's, surgery, heart problems, etc. Please remember them all in your prayers this morning. I have a former student who is struggling taking care of her two little girls since her husband left her. Please remember her and the girls. My hubby started having back pain Sunday morning, and it is still hurting him. I would like for you to remember him, too. I hit the floor hard in my sewing room, yesterday, when my chair overturned with me while getting up to answer my cell phone. It was my sister calling, and I tried to get up to answer, but I hit the floor instead. I know, don't laugh too hard. I started paying for it last night, and today, the right side of my back is giving me fits. So, no Bama Belles sewing day for me. :( Bummer
Okay, projects I am working on include:
1. clipping the black and white rag quilt
2. getting fabric, etc. ready to make the crazy quilt
3. making a Secret Santa Sewn gift for my facebook group (done)
4. Making Christmas gifts for the grandson, daughter and daughter-in-law (if possible)
5. make myself a bears paw quilt using a variety of fabrics (scrappy)
6. finish quilting a Wrap Them in Love quilt
7. bind baby quilt that is quilted.(done)
I think that is enough to freak me out for now. LOL What are you working on? As you can see, I finished a couple of projects yesterday. I was so tired afterwards that I could hardly move. I know that isn't much, but with my health issues, I can't do a lot at a time.
Here are my recent purchases, but these are for the Crazy quilt I will be making for a Facebook friend.

What do you think? Aren't they gorgeous? I washed the ones on the ironing board. The blues ones tended to bleed pretty bad, so I am going to see how many 18 x 18" squares I can get out of the rest of it before I go to the blues. I don't want them bleeding onto the white sashing.
Well, I guess I will hush now. I wish you all a blessed, creative day!