Here is the update on the disappearing nine patch quilt I've been working on. The top is now a flimsy (finished), but I've got to make the backing and then quilt it. I'm working on getting the Day and Night quilt quilted more. I'm afraid it is going to take me awhile to get it done. I'm getting a little discouraged at this point. Sort of wishing I had started the quilted differently, but I've done too much to do something different now. Oh well. LOL I took the top to show the person for whom I'm making the quilt and she liked it! She loves frogs, so as you can see, I have two embroidered on the top. I will put an appliqued frog on the back of the quilt. She collects frogs and these two types she does not have. I hope it turns out as well as I have in mind it will. Keep a look out for the final results on this one and the Day and Night one. I believe that I will stop making large quilts for awhile unless if someone wants me to make them one, they are willing to pay enough for me to send it out to be quilted by someone else. It is just too much for me to do now. I believe I will stick to lap sized and baby quilts for awhile. I want to make me a Christmas quilt. I've had fabric for almost a year and haven't touched it. One day!

Have a blessed day, my friends. I'm sorry I haven't been blogging much lately. It is just one thing I've put aside for a little bit. I will be writing the review of an awesome book I read from BookLook Bloggers today or tomorrow. It is a really good read!