Happy Valentine's Day!! Happy Friday as well! I have a few things to share with you today. So, let's get started!
First, our weather has been wild this winter. In Alabama, we don't get a lot of snow, but within the last two weeks, we have had snow!!! One was predicted to go south of us, but guess what? The cold air coming in slowed down, so it wound up hitting us! Everyone in the Birmingham and Atlanta areas were hit suddenly by surprise since it was supposed to be south Alabama and more south than Atlanta, too. It hit all the way down to the beach eventually, but the snow and ice hit the area between ten and lunch. It was awful! So many people were stranded on the interstates and other roads. Many accidents happened, etc. I don't like those kind of days. Then Wednesday we were forecast to get snow, and we did, but not as much as they expected. Georgia was hit with an awful ice storm. Our snow was almost all gone by dark last night. There are still at least two school systems still closed today where they received the highest amount of snow. Some areas received seven inches! In Alabama no less. LOL

Second, I've been working to finish the Day and Night quilt for our son and his wife. It was supposed to be for Christmas, but it didn't make it to be done. I still don't have it quilted, but I do have the top finished! Yea!! I'm very excited, so I will share a couple of pictures with you. I will also link up with Richard and Tanya Quilts Link a Finish Friday.
I've also been working on my winter crazy quilt block for Good Earth Quilting Crazy Quilt- Along. Here is an updated photo of what I've done so far.
I hope you all have a great weekend!! I still have some work to do on the above cq block, so I will do that today. Be blessed and be crafty!